Early Treatment Orthodontics

You might be here because you want to learn about early treatment orthodontics, and why it is so important to undergo treatment in the early stages of child development. Watch this video by dedicated Buffalo orthodontist Dr. Dominic Colarusso Jr to learn more about the importance of addressing orthodontic issues early to avoid more serious complications later in life.

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Our practice has an early treatment philosophy. We believe that orthodontic screenings for children should be done at an early age. Today, the American Association of Orthodontics recommends screenings by the age of seven. We feel that these screenings are crucial if we are to determine whether a child is on a path toward positive dental-facial development or bears any issue, such as thumb sucking or breathing through the mouth, that could contribute to poor dental-facial development that should be addressed. It is important to analyze children’s dental health and function when they are younger in order to correct their dental-facial development. I always tell my patients and their parents that by the time the last baby tooth falls out, we want to be close to realizing their goal. I have treated children as young as four years old, and sometimes, there are simple ways to positively affect their dental-facial development early in their childhood.

Orthodontists Associates of Western New York is proud to offer braces for all ages throughout Buffalo, LancasterOleanHamburgOrchard Park, Dunkirk, East Aurora, and Niagara Falls, New York. If you are considering orthodontic treatment for yourself or a loved one, please contact one of our seven convenient orthodontic offices to arrange a free consultation.

At Orthodontists Associates of Western New York, our reputation as a leader in orthodontic care is based on one thing… Making a Healthy and Beautiful Smile

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